Stu Birdson
“Stu” is a fishing guide out of Fort Collins, Colorado, who has officially been resurrected from a guide career in Wyoming, starting in 2001. He was a guide at the North Platte Lodge/Reef Fly Shop in Alcova, WY for over a decade, which is how he and RyHud met, during their college years in Laramie, Wy. Once Stu retired from full-time guiding in 2013, he moved south of the border and began selling real estate in Ft Collins. After fishing with RyHud, during the summer prior to retirement with his old client Frank, Stu realized he wanted to come and join the guide roster at the WFC, while not selling real estate. “Salsa Stu”, “Stubacca” or “The Stuewweeuue” is a legend in Wyoming, possessing a jedi-likeability to guide and get fish to eat, even after being out of the game for years. Stu is a family man, who loves a good jiu-jitsu spar and swinging flies for BC Steelhead.